
“Whatever you truly want, you can have!”

Even though all seemed to be ‘perfect’ on the surface of my life…

You know in your heart that something is off! But what is it?

I had lost touch with what was REAL. I was suffering, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. The depression was setting in hard.

My life was perfect!  I had it all; a great education, fabulous job, exemplary life story, great body, handsome husband, gorgeous daughters, healthy parents, beautiful house, money, cars, stocks, vacations…  Yet something had shifted.  Something was wrong.   Whatever it was, I just knew that I was not happy in those moments. I couldn’t deny it anymore.  I had worked too damn hard to be unhappy.

That was when I went back to my essence, to the energy that I had inherited from my precious grandma, to the awareness that was installed in me “to live my life with joy & purpose.”  I had followed my grandma’s teachings in most difficult times of my life.  When challenges seemed so huge that they might engulf me.  When I had nothing except my enthusiasm and the knowledge that all was as it should be. Those days I had survived with flying colors, but now something was off. Everything seemed perfect…  I didn’t have a problem to solve or a challenge to tackle…  So what on earth was wrong?

You know at heart, something is off! But what is it?

As a kid I was introduced to meditation & stillness.  As a young teenager, I remember pretending to meditate to impress my mom.  Little did I know those pretenses gave me access to self-discovery!  In my adult life I tapped into this resource & meditated here and there, but eventually I started using it more intensely in order to get to the bottom of my unexplained feeling of lack and of being lost.   I took a leap of faith, trusted my gut, and took a month off from work. During this time I did 6-8 hours of yoga and meditation almost every day, and slowly things became clearer and clearer.  It was the first time that I started to see a glimpse of what I was truly about and how I wanted to shift my life.  I was proud of my accomplishments; supporting myself fully working 5 job as a fulltime student, graduating with an engineering degree from UC Berkeley, not only surviving but thriving in male dominated companies, … and knew that my family felt the same.  However I was somehow done with being an engineer phase of my life.    At this time I had two gorgeous daughters, ages 2 and 7, and from the moment that my first-born had entered my life there was also an indistinct conflict, something I couldn’t define, which crept into all corners of my life.

What eventually became crystal clear was that I wanted to simply “be a mommy.”  The desire and clarity of it was so strong that it overshadowed not only society’s but also my family’s and friends’ points of view.  After that month off and the clarity it provided, I was able to move forward and make bold moves toward what I truly wanted, with or without anyone’s approval.  I announced my plan:  I am giving everyone – including work – six months’ notice, and then I am becoming a stay-at-home mommy! I did this for myself. Not for my parents, husband, friends, or colleagues. It was something I needed in order to be happy.

Of course everyone went into shock at first, but my choice was unwavering and slowly they began to trust me on my newfound path. So I did it: I became a stay-at-home mommy!

It took me seven years to process this.  Even though I had the tools to get there, I was blinded by the various layers of obedience, social norms, need for approval, family pride and expectations, and even my own superficial beliefs. These things made it almost impossible for me to see my truth. But I made it through.

Now I find purpose in helping other women to see beyond all that, and get to what truly serves them. To a space that makes them happy filled with joy. A place where they feel strong, confident in their power, shining their inner light.

You are here to live a life that you are ecstatic to be living. You have the power within you to (co)create your life, and I can help you expedite this process. It all starts when you figure out what you truly want because, when you do, you can use it as the blueprint to build a life you love. I know this firsthand.

If you’re anything like me, you want to love who you’ve become. To have time for yourself. To experience real joy. To not be afraid of the unknown… or even of greatness. To feel enthusiastic. And in order to get there, you will have to – for once – focus on your own needs and desires.

I am a Luck, Joy and Success coach.  I empower you (my clients) to shift your current unfulfilling paradigm to make way for what you truly desire. Let yourself experience and embrace the magnificence of who you are so that you can fall in love with your life, with your loved ones, and with the skin that you’re in, knowing that tomorrow you will be PROUD of the way you have chosen to live.

I will be there for you when that voice in your head starts saying, “What’s wrong with me?” or “Everything’s perfect with my life but I’m still sad” or “I’ve got everything a woman could want so why am I not joyful?” or “why don’t I know who I am?”

You need to not be concerned with the opinions of others. You need to choose a lifestyle that makes you happy and fulfills you, whether or not it’s deemed ‘successful’ by the masses. And you need to uncover and be clear about what you want, and then achieve it without worrying about what others think.  Forget about performing to standards & conforming to requirements. You want to be seen, appreciated, and loved for who you truly are.

Getting to this place isn’t as hard you might think. It takes focus and determination to make your desires a reality. It’s about setting aside both the space and the time for yourself to think and connect with your passions, wants, and needs. To push forward with your vision, even if it’s met with resistance, because it’s what you want.

It’s having the right attitude and intention, getting in alignment and taking action.

Logically all is perfect! Correct?

I get you. I see you. I know what it’s like because I’ve been there. I know how it feels to have it all (on the surface), yet still feel lost, scattered, drained, discouraged, and even depressed. There was a time in my life that I had a picture perfect life, but I was deeply lost, experiencing all of these feelings. Like you, I didn’t know what was wrong with me.  I was ashamed of not being appreciative and of all that I had.  I couldn’t even confide my feelings to anyone else since anytime I tried I was cut short and was advised to count my blessings or stop being so ungrateful.

Everyone had always praised me for all that I had become. After several years of living up to their expectations (seven to be exact, as I mentioned previously), I finally found my way “home” and learned to live up to my own.

Together we can make this happen for you, too. You can be at peace, connect with your desires, and make your dreams a reality. I have no doubt whatsoever.

The question is this: What will it take to make this happen? You don’t have to struggle through trial and error, figuring this out all on your own. I’m here to help. Life is worth joyful living.

Now if you are ready to magnetize everything that you’ve been truly desiring ; money, status, relationships or the life that they’ve been dreaming of, without the shame or guilt to go with it,  schedule a Free call!

As a bonus, here’s what you’ll walk away with:
1- Pinpoint a desired milestone or goal that you have yet to manifest
2- Explore how your daily routine is in alignment with your goal
3- Determine what’s preventing you from reaching your goal

We will conclude the call with you walking away with more clarity, understanding and value.

Do you want in? Click here & schedule a free call with me!

Here’s to you & your desires,

Moj Razmi ❤